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i write to fight my short-memory-loss | my room for learning and sharing something new

Busan City Tour 2011

on 6 December 2011

In the last Saturday of last month (November 26th, 2011) I had a chance to have a Busan city tour held by International Office of Pusan National University. The tour route devided into two options; the first packet: City Hall → Busan Cinema Center → Nurimaru APEC House → Haeundae Beach → Busan Museum, the second packet: Jungang Park → Busan Modern History Museum → Songdo Beach → Dongsamdong Shell Midden Museum → Taejongdae. Whoever of the foreign students can join, me and my Indonesian friends choose the second packet tour.

This is my story… Enjoy! 🙂

Jungang Park
Jungang Park is elevated on a mountain 197 meters above sea level. In Jungang Park we can find a 70-meter-tower named Chunghon Tower. The tower is dedicated to the loyal policeman and military personnel of Busan who fought and died for their independence. From the tower, we can see the harbor and surrounding.

Chunghon Tower in Jungang Park

Chunghon Tower in Jungang Park

Harbor near Jungang Park

Harbor near Jungang Park

Busan Modern History Museum
This museum completely exhibit the whole story about Busan, including the exploitation of Busan by Japan. I am know now the reason why Korean people hate Japan 😦

Inside Busan Modern History Museum 1

Inside Busan Modern History Museum 1

Inside Busan Modern History Museum 2

Inside Busan Modern History Museum 2

Inside Busan Modern History Museum 3

Inside Busan Modern History Museum 3

Having lunch at Imperial Building near Songdo Beach

The trip participants

The trip participants



Songdo Beach
Honestly I have to tell the truth that Senggigi beach (Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia) is much more beautiful than this beach. But in Songdo beach we can surf internet through free wi-fi that provided by Busan government 🙂 And I meet some old men (just called them ahjussi) that gives me ice cream after knowing that I’m Indonesian. He said that he and his friends like Indonesian badminton players.

Songdo Beach 1

Songdo Beach 1

Songdo Beach 2

Songdo Beach 2

Songdo Beach 3

Songdo Beach 3

Songdo Beach 4

Songdo Beach 4

Songdo Beach 5

Songdo Beach 5

Ice cream from ahjussi

Ice cream from ahjussi

Dongsamdong Shell Midden Museum
In this museum we can see many artifacts from The Neolithic era (10,000 to 1,000 BC). Shell middens are the piles of shells that were discarded by the prehistoric people. People used shellfish as their food resource, and sometimes they made ornaments and tools out of the shell. Shell middens usually contain various kinds of animal bones, fish bones, plant remains, and prehistoric implements.

Inside Dongsamdong Shell Midden Museum 1

Inside Dongsamdong Shell Midden Museum 1

Inside Dongsamdong Shell Midden Museum 2

Inside Dongsamdong Shell Midden Museum 2

Stamp from Dongsamdong Shell Midden Museum

Stamp from Dongsamdong Shell Midden Museum

Taejongdae is a representative visitor attraction of Busan where has dense evergreen trees and several facilities for tourists such as an observatory, an amusement park, a light house, a cruise ship terminal. Taejongdae natural park consist of history park and romance park. By riding the shuttle bus we can take a look around the part of Taejongdae. We can walk but it will be spend a long time and energy of course 😀

Taejongdae 1

Taejongdae 1

Taejongdae 2

Taejongdae 2

Taejongdae 3

Taejongdae 3

Taejongdae 4

Taejongdae 4

Taejongdae 5

Taejongdae 5

Taejongdae 6

Taejongdae 6

Not only the enjoyment, the committee also give a 8 GB USB for all the participants! 🙂

8 GB USB flashdisc from Busan City Tour

8 GB USB flashdisc from Busan City Tour

I hope next time I can join another (free) city tour. I guess it will be more interesting 🙂

6 responses to “Busan City Tour 2011

  1. Wih asli keren mbak… Kapan bisa jalan-jalan di sana ya?

  2. Just Arvie says:

    Wah.. Mbak Nelly.. Mau dong kapan2 aku di ajak ke korea.. Hihi..

  3. -me- says:

    sepertinya aq mengenali gantungan flashdisc itu..:D

  4. […] Selatan belum terpisah seperti sekarang ini). Teringat 9 bulan yang lalu sepulang dari program Busan City Tour yang diadakan International Office kampus saya PNU, setelah terkejut mengetahui bahwa Korea pernah […]

  5. […] menjelajah Taejongdae. Sebenarnya ini adalah kali ke-3 saya pergi ke Tajongdae; yang pertama saat Busan City Tour 2011, dan yang kedua saat acara Muslim-Muslimah Gathering 2012; namun saya tidak pernah bosan dengan […]

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